Introducing MO

MO is a software, aimed at observational researchers, that facilitates work with multimodal data in different stages of investigation.

  • Multimodal

    Allows unification of various datasets obtained from different sources.

  • Extensible

    Any developer can create extensions to provide support for new sources, data types and even add new modules.

  • Multiplatform

    Developed with Java, capable of running in different operative systems.

  • Open Source

    Anyone can obtain MO free of charge. We encourage the community to extend it’s functionalities.


MO purpose

MO was developed at Departamento de Ingeniería Informática from Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

Meet the Contributors

  • Roberto González-Ibáñez, PhD

    Project Manager | USACH
  • Celso Gutiérrez

    Architect and Developer (2016 - ) | USACH
  • Christian Zaballa

    Multimedia Plugins Developer (2017) | USACH
  • Gustavo Curifuta

    Analyses Plugins (2017) | USACH
  • Felipe Vilchez

    Plugins Manager (2017) | USACH
  • Alonso Salinas

    Analysis Module - Export and Import (2017) | USACH


Explore MO's resources

  • Downloads

    Download our latest version

  • Developer

    Arquitecture, tutorials and documentation

  • User

    Manuals, guides and tutorials

  • Extensions

    Check available extensions


This are some MO screenshots



Theses and Dissertations

  • Salinas, A. (In Progress). Modules for Analysis and Data Import-Export. Undergraduate Thesis. Supervised by González-Ibáñez, R. Departamento de Ingenieria Informatica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
  • Caceres, C. (In Progress). Modules for Remote Interaction, Control, and Observation. Undergraduate Thesis. Supervised by González-Ibáñez, R. Departamento de Ingenieria Informatica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.


Theses and Dissertations

  • Curifuta, G. (2017). Extensions for facial expresions, eyetracking, EDA, and ECG analyses. Master Thesis. Supervised by González-Ibáñez, R. Departamento de Ingenieria Informatica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
  • Zaballa, C. (2017). Extensions for recording audiovisual and physiological data. Undergraduate Thesis. Supervised by González-Ibáñez, R. Departamento de Ingenieria Informatica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
  • Vilchez, F. (2017). A Platform and a Module for managing MO extensions. Undergraduate Thesis. Supervised by González-Ibáñez, R. Departamento de Ingenieria Informatica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.


Theses and Dissertations

  • Gutierrez, C. (2016) MO (Multimodal Observer) - A Research Tool for Multimodal Data Recording, Visualization, and Analysis. Undergraduate Thesis. Supervised by González-Ibáñez, R. Departamento de Ingenieria Informatica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

If you need help or advice, please contact us


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